Thursday, November 3, 2011

Train brake and first test run

We had our first test run today with the full cab stand. We installed the reverser/throttle module and installed the train brake pot bracket(see attached photo).  I also tested the 12 volt stand backlights and they looked great, although I may replace them with LEDs for keeping things cooler. We hooked the whole setup to a projector and did our first test run.  We had calibration problems with the brake but are working on them.  Throttle and reverser worked mostly as anticipated. Next step is to fix the calibration issues,test it and then start installing the discrete controls.  One other thing I think we will look into is rear projection so we can utilize a larger screen and not have to worry about the cab getting in the way of the projector. Anyway I will post pics as the project progresses.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Train Brake

I have fabricated a bracket that will fit over the top of the train brake to accept the potentiometer.. I will be installing it in the cab stand tomorrow and running my first test setup with the throttle, reverser and train brake. I will post videos and pictures of the setup and install.